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Seoul Subway: Commuter tickets, Train delay proof, Official App

Seoul has quite a nice subway system: Seoul Metro. It's kind of hell in rush hour but still it's one of the most convenient way to move around Seoul. It provides English everywhere and no traffic jam.

Commuter tickets

Seoul subway charging system is based on distance.

Basic fee is KRW 1,250 for 10 km. This distance is calculated between the tag in station and tag out station.

Total distance between 10 km ~ 50 km, KRW 100 is added up in every 5 km.

Total distance exceeds 50 km, KRW 100 is added up in every 8 km.

If you go out side of Seoul, first, above basic fee is charged in Seoul. then KRW 100 is added up in every 4 km from the boundary of Seoul.

This system works in Seoul metro line which mean from line 1 to line 9. Shinbundang line(신분당선) charges additional fee.

When you use subway regularly, using commuter ticket might be more economic choice. You can save more than KRW 20,000 every month. There are two types of commuter tickets in Seoul metro system.

1. In Seoul only

Seoul subway commuter card

KRW 55,000 for 60 times within 30 days.

Commuter card itself is KRW 2,500. Reusable card of course.

Use the ticket machine to charge it(English available)

Sadly, only cash is available for buying tickets on ticket machine.

You can buy the commuter card in every subway station office.

If you tag in and tag out within Seoul boarder, there is no additional fee based on distance.

Original fee for 60 times is KRW 75,000

Therefore even if you move within 10 km in Seoul by subway, using the commuter ticket is still cheaper. If you move more than 10 km by subway regularly, effect of reducing price is getting bigger.

If you go outside of Seoul (ex. Gwacheon staion is on line 4 but outside of Seoul), additional one more round will be deduceted.

If you go outside of Seoul and use specific lines like Airport line, the card will not work at the gate so you need to call the station staff. (I had a real experience...)

If you consume all 60 times within 30 days, then that's it.

If 30 days are over but there are still remaining rounds, you can't finish the remaining rounds anymore.

When you refund it within 30 days, between remaining days and rounds, smaller amount of money one will be refunded.

You can get KRW 2,500 as a card refund if it breaks down within 1 years from the date of purchase. (except the result of misuse)

2. Proportion of distance (can be used also in outside of Seoul)

I have never used this one before honestly. However according to the Seoul Metro Website, there are total 14 types. This is usually for people who commute Seoul and other near by cities which are connected by subway.

For example, if the total distance is 20 km, the price is KRW 55,000 for 60 rounds in 30 days. If the total distance is more than 98 km, the price is KRW 102,900 for 60 rounds in 30 days. It will be also cheaper than purchasing single tickets in 1 month term.

Train Delay Proof

If any metro is delayed more then 5 minutes compared with scheduled time. you can get official delay proof on the Seoul Metro homepage. One of my friend(She's Korean) submitted this one to her HR to prove that her lateness in the morning was inevitable one.

You can go to the delay proof page through the link above. Only recent 7 days record is provided. You can select the date and check.

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Seoul Metro Official App

There are many Seoul subway apps. I usually use Kakao map but I also installed the official Seoul Metro app because of its specific features.

It doesn't have English version though. However if you can read Korea, it can be useful. The name of the app is 또타지하철 (meaning take again subway)

Seoul Metro official app

Seoul Metro is a public enterprise so every complaints are managed officially. You can get feed back, follow up and evaluate how the official response was. To do this, you need to do identification. You need a mobile phone registered by your name to do it.

I know this is annoying compared with Kakao map. However this app provides some public services which are quite convenient.

If any accidents happen and trains are delayed, Seoul Metro provides free shuttle bus. This app sends notification of any accidents and shuttle bus information on real time.

You can report or complaints about subway and stations via app quickly

Before this app came out, people needed to send SMS to report or complaint. Now you can just click things fast and clarify what you want to report or complaint quickly. Whenever I saw some making disturbance I can just use this app. When you report, clarifying which line it is, compartment's number(it's written on doors in every compartment), which direction the train is heading, which station just passed or will arrive next is helpful to solve the problem quickly. This app detects your current location so can be useful in emergency situation.

If you find any errors, have updated information or want to add some comments, feel free to let me know (Last update: 2019. 5. 16.)

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